DOMO recipe Home-made chips in the deli-fryer

Home-made chips in the deli-fryer

Quantity: for 2 people

Time: 70 minutes


  • 500 g potatoes
  • a pinch of salt


  1. Peel 500 g of potatoes and cut into chips of about 1 cm thick.
  2. Soak then in water for 30 minutes. Then pat dry.
  3. Preheat the fryer to 140°C.
  4. Put the chips in a bowl and add a tablespoon of oil. Toss the chips well to coat evenly with the oil. If you like, you can also add some herbs and spices to the chips at this stage. 
  5. Fry the chips a first time for 18 minutes at 140°C.
  6. It is best to fry the chips in batches of 500g.
  7. Every 5 minutes, shake the fries to make sure they cook evenly.
  8. After the first fry, allow the chips to cool off in a bowl lined with kitchen paper.
  9. Preheat the fryer to 180°C.
  10. Fry the chips a second time for 12 minutes at 180°C. Don’t forget to shake them halfway through.
  11. Remove the chips from the fryer when the time is up and the alarm sounds.
  12. Sprinkle with some salt and serve. 


January 17, 2022
January 18, 2022
January 16, 2022