Time: 80-90 min.


  • 250 g sweet potato, peeled and diced
  • 200 ml rice milk
  • 100 g wholemeal spelt flour
  • 100 g almond flour
  • 4 eggs
  • 6 g baking powder
  • 75 g butter (melted) or coconut oil



  1. Steam the sweet potato, let it cool a little, and mash it until smooth.
  2. Mix in the rice milk.
  3. Mix the dry ingredients (spelt flour, almond flour, and baking powder) and the eggs into the mixture.
  4. Finally, stir the melted butter into the mixture and mix until smooth.
  5. Leave the batter in the fridge for an hour.
  6. Turn on the waffle iron and let it heat up until the desired baking temperature is reached (see manual).
  7. Then bake the waffles and enjoy your creations!

Tip:  Add something extra to the batter, such as a dash of maple syrup, a pinch of cinnamon, spices, or a few drops of vanilla extract. As much as you’d like.


June 12, 2022
June 13, 2022
June 11, 2022